Importing contacts from Outlook or other applications

IMPORTANT: you can also synchronize continuously your contacts between Outlook and DeskNow with the Outlook Connector


You can import existing contacts from:

Importing contacts from Outlook

  1. From Outlook, select the menu item File / Export ...

  2. Choose to export you contacts or address book to a file

  3. If requested, choose to export using Comma Separated Values (Windows) as the format

  4. Save the file to any location on your computer, and remember the location

  5. if you are using a non-English version of Outlook, open the file with a normal text editor and substitute the terms in the first line with the corresponding English terms from this group: "Title","First Name","Middle Name","Last Name","Suffix","Company","Department","Job Title","Business Street","Business Street 2","Business Street 3","Business City","Business State","Business Postal Code","Business Country","Home Street","Home Street 2","Home Street 3","Home City","Home State","Home Postal Code","Home Country","Other Street","Other Street 2","Other Street 3","Other City","Other State","Other Postal Code","Other Country","Assistant's Phone","Business Fax","Business Phone","Business Phone 2","Callback","Car Phone","Company Main Phone","Home Fax","Home Phone","Home Phone 2","ISDN","Mobile Phone","Other Fax","Other Phone","Pager","Primary Phone","Radio Phone","TTY/TDD Phone","Telex","Account","Anniversary","Assistant's Name","Billing Information","Birthday","Categories","Children","E-mail Address","E-mail Display Name","E-mail 2 Address","E-mail 2 Display Name","E-mail 3 Address","E-mail 3 Display Name","Gender","Government ID Number","Hobby","Initials","Keywords","Language","Location","Mileage","Notes","Office Location","Organizational ID Number","PO Box","Private","Profession","Referred By","Spouse","User 1","User 2","User 3","User 4","Web Page"

  6. Note that if you edit the file with MS Excel and then save it, in some countries the field separator used by Excel is a semicolon (;). If this is your case, open the file with a normal text editor and replace the semicolon with a comma (,)

  7. In DeskNow, navigate to the contact folder where you want to import your contacts

  8. click on Import

  9. click on the Browse button and select the file that you saved at step 4

  10. the file will be uploaded to DeskNow, and all the contacts saved to the folder


Important: if the folder already contained contacts with the same name as the contacts that you import, the old contact will be replaced by the imported one.

Importing contacts from other applications / services

Many applications or online services can export contacts in a format that can be read from Outlook (CSV).

Please consult your application documentation and export your contacts as if you were going to import them in Outlook, then follow the previous instructions from step 6.


'Outlook' is a registered trade mark of Microsoft Corporation