Sharing contacts with other users

Using DeskNow you can share contacts with other users very easily. This is useful, for instance, to keep track of all the external partners of your company, customers, etc.


By sharing contacts with others, you save time and energy, because:


Using DeskNow you can share entire contact folders with other users, so that you and they can access all the contacts in the folder, create new contacts, create new folders, and so on.


Shared folders are displayed using the share icon:


Tip: DeskNow provides automatically a company directory, which lists the contact details of all the users of DeskNow in your organization.


You can share a contact folder with every user, or you can make it accessible only to some users (either by specifying their username, or by setting a password for the folder). You can also make the folder read-only so that users can view its content, but cannot create, delete, move contacts, or create new subfolders.

How to share a contact folder

To share a contact folder:


Tip: only the administrator of your domain can create user groups. Contact the administrator if you believe a new user group would be useful

Linking to a shared folder

Unless you are the DeskNow Administrator, the share that you create will not automatically appear as a new folder in other users' account. This is because maybe they do not want to access your share.


If other users want to access your share, and they are authorized to, they need to create a link to that share. See accessing shared contact folders.


For the Administrator: when you share a folder to all the users of your domain, all users will automatically see the folder, without having to create the link. This is the preferred way to create a company-wide shared folder. If you share a folder to selected users/communities, the selected users will automatically see the folder. In any case, users will need to re-login or click Reload on their menu to see the new folder. When installed, DeskNow automatically creates a folder called Group contacts shared to all users, with write permissions (you can change or delete it). The [User directory] is shared as well, but with only read permission (users can only edit their personal contact details).


If you are the manager of a community and explicitly share a folder to users of your community (or your entire community), the selected users will automatically see the shared folder.

How to change the properties of a share

From the Properties & sharing page of the shared folder, click on the name of the share that you want to edit.

How to un-share a folder

From the Properties & sharing page of the shared folder, click on the Delete link next to the share that you want to remove.