Moving around: the main menu

The main DeskNow menu is displayed in the left-side of the window, usually in a rather different color from the rest of the window.


At the top is shown your "Screen name". The screen name can be changed in the Preferences page.


Below are the 'New' buttons, which you can use to compose a new email, event, task or contact.


Below are different sub-menus (Mail, Files, Message boards, Calendars, Tasks, Contacts).


You can either click on the title of the sub-menu (ex. Mail) to access the general properties and content of the group, or open the sub-menu.


To open a sub-menu, click on the small + sign to the name of the menu. To close a sub-menu, click again.


The content of a submenu can vary, but it usually shows the folders of the group (ex. your mail folders, or your calendars) and some actions that you can perform (ex. New email, View all calendars, etc).


Under the menus are some other useful links:


Homepage goes back to your home page, which gives an overview of the unread emails, today's appointments, todos, and so on.


Preferences opens the Preferences page, where you can change many settings such as your time zone, preferred colors, and so on. From this page you can also change your screen name and your password.


Reload clears your current DeskNow session. It is almost equivalent to logging out an logging in again.


Logout logs you out of DeskNow.


Last check displays the last time that your browser has connected to DeskNow server to check if there are new messages or events. You can set the frequency of this check (or disable it), from the Preferences page. If the check is enabled and the time doesn't change, it probably mean that a network problem has occurred and your browser cannot connect to the server. Try logging out and logging in again.


Check now force the check to take place immediately.


Messenger (if enabled) displays your online status for the integrated instant messaging client. Click on it to open the instant messaging window.