Audio and visual alerts for incoming emails

DeskNow fully replicates the functionality of traditional email clients, to give you a more productive environment.


By default, DeskNow checks your account for new emails every 10 minutes. When new emails are found, an alert sound is played and a (!) sign appears in the title bar of your browser.


The number of new emails that were found in each folder is displayed next to the name of the folder.


If you left the browser open on a mail folder, the view will automatically refresh to display the updated list of emails.


Messenger: if you are using DeskNow Messenger, an alert is shown immediately, with the email's sender and subject.


You can disable email checking, or change the check interval, from the Preferences page.


Important:  this account checking is completely different from the checking of external POP3 accounts. This is about your browser connecting to your DeskNow server to check if there are new emails for you. External POP3 checking is about DeskNow server connecting to other POP3 servers to retrieve your email from other accounts.