Searching emails

Note: this feature requires a commercial DeskNow license. It is available in DeskNow Lite only for a trial period - more information


You can search for emails that were sent by a particular person, that were sent to a particular person, that contain particular words in the subject or body, or that were sent at a particular date, or even a combination of these conditions.


To search emails, click on the Search link under the Mail section in the menu.


Enter the text that you are searching for in one or more of the following fields:


For each of these fields you can choose different match types:


You can also specify a that you want to search for emails whose date is before and/or after a certain date, in the Date section. If you leave the option box as None, the condition will not be matched; otherwise, select This date and specify the date.


Finally, you can select which folders you want to search in. By default all the 'incoming' folders are selected.


You can invert the folder selection by clicking on the icon.