Importing emails from Outlook or other applications

The easy way

The easiest way to import email from a mail client like Outlook or Eudora is to use the IMAP functionality to connect to DeskNow.

Once you have defined the account in Outlook, you can simply drag&drop emails and mail folders to your DeskNow account.


NB when dragging emails and folders in Outlook or Thunderbird, keep the CTRL button pressed to make a copy of the messages instead of moving them (you will see a + sign next to the mouse pointer).


If for any reason you cannot use IMAP, you can still use a manual import method.

The hard way

You can import old emails from:


The import process requires that your messages are first converted into mbox mail format.

 Manually importing emails from Outlook, Outlook express and Eudora

See 'The easy way' above for an easier method. If that is not applicable, follow these instructions.


  1. If you don't have Mozilla installed , install it (from You can also use Mozilla Thunderbird, which is the much smaller Mozilla mail client application (see same web site). Thunderbird does not install itself, so it is the simplest solution if you need it only for the migration.

  2. Once in Mozilla Mail, or in Thunderbird, select Tools/Import from the menu and follow the instructions to import from your existing application. If your messages are already in Mozilla, you don't need this step...

  3. Once the messages are imported, check that they were imported correctly (NB at this moment Mozilla seems to have problems importing east-asian characters in some messages).

  4. In DeskNow, open the folder under which you want to import the messages.

  5. Click on 'Folder / Import messages'

  6. Use the Browse button to locate the mailbox file stored by Mozilla. This is typically in a folder like "C:\Documents and Settings\joesmith\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\default\wirsgw9q.slt\Mail\Local Folders\Outlook Mail.sbd". Note that the mailbox file has no extension (do not select the .msf file)

  7. You can import more mailfolders in a single operation

  8. Each mail folder that you import will be imported as a new subfolder of the current folder


Importing emails from Mozilla, Thunderbird, or any mbox file

See 'The easy way' above for an easier method. If that is not applicable, follow these instructions.


  1. In DeskNow, open the folder under which you want to import the messages.

  2. Click on 'Folder / Import messages'

  3. Use the Browse button to locate the mbox file. If you're using Mozilla in Windows, this is typically in a folder like "C:\Documents and Settings\joesmith\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\default\wirsgw9q.slt\Mail\Local Folders\Outlook Mail.sbd". Note that the mbox file has no extension (do not select the .msf file)

  4. You can import more mail folders in a single operation

  5. Each mail folder that you import will be imported as a new subfolder of the current folder


It is also possible to import mailboxes (in mbox format) and mail folders (ex. in maildir format) in bulk, even for multiple users/domains, using the Administration API and a script. Please see the Administration and configuration manual for more details on the Administration API.



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